Saturday, March 12, 2011

Resistência Defense Movement

These about Resistência movement.

This is very similar to the sister, negativa. However, instead of focusing on the soles of the feet, ball feet support the weight of the majority of the arm on the opposite side assistance. The fingers on the side of supporters spread out flat to protect the wrist. The other arm is raised slightly to protect the face while the other leg extended with a little bend to it. It's a little corner is very important to protect the feet from trauma creaking under the right leg. Because the knee is extended beyond the foot support, stretching and quadriceps gastrosoleus is a must for this position because the stress on the knee after the addition of a long-term use. Most beginners tend to look down on the floor while in Resistencia, it is highly recommended to always strive and continue to watch other players. In some capoeira groups each have a different name for the movement, Resistencia is sometimes known as negativa.

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