Thursday, March 10, 2011

Capoeira Takedowns : Banda (Ban-da)

Today's talks about Banda (Ban-da)movement.

Banda is a very strong reduction and is used when both players know what they're doing. This is done by a player to take another step towards the middle of the football, moving in and swept away their land. This is clearly not the removal of the light used. Takedowns can be used in all types of driving situations. But make sure you know what you're doing and the other players know how to take them or someone might get hurt.

Banda is a sweep kick, the objective of which is to pull one of the opponent's feet making him lose his balance and fall. It usually is performed from a standing position. What separates the banda from the rasteria is that the sweep is mostly done with the heel of the foot instead of the instep.

* Banda de Costa

A defensive counter-attack performed against a kick. This is usually reserved for circular kicks such as the armada or queixada. By following the motion of the kick, the capoeirista steps to the outside left or right of the kicker and uses one hand to push them forward while the closest leg reaps the supporting leg of the kicker. It looks identical to the Osoto guruma in Judo.

* Banda de Dentro

The banda de dentro or passa pe is a similar sweep as the rasteira em pe. While the banda de costa focuses on sweeping the kicking leg from the inside instead. While one capoeirista is delivering a kick such as a martelo, the other player steps inside and sweeps the supporting leg in an inside to outside motion.

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