Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Capoeira Kicks : Chapa (sha-pa)

Below about the Chapa (sha-pa).

The chapa is a generic name for a range of kicks using the flat bottom of the foot. Generally a chapa, as I’ve learned it, has the player pivot like a martelo, but push out with their foot like a benção.

Chapa, the sole of the foot, is a generic term for various straight kicks with the sole or heel of the foot. This kick can be used in a roda to push away the other player for distance. These include:

* Chapa-de-Costas

It resembles a kick from a horse or mule in which both hands are usually on the ground while one of the legs is pushed outward towards the other player. It is a clever attack that can be delivered out of a role towards the groin or knee of the other player.

* Chapa-de-Frente

A straight kick facing the opponent sometimes performed from a Queda de Quatro, pushing with the hips to gain greater extension. It has the look of a Bençao given from a Queda de Quatro.

* Pisào

Another variation being a side kick. First the player begins by lifting the knee of the kicking leg and hip level of the support leg. The capoeirista turns his supporting foot 180 degrees to the rear while thrusting the kicking foot towards the other player's body.

* Chapa Baixa

This is a side kick to the lower areas including the thigh, knee, or instep. Impact is usually made with the heel or sole of the foot. As with the pisào, the chapa baixa begins with a forward knee raise. However, instead of rising upwards towards the usual kicking targets capoeira(head, chest, stomach), the kick is driven downward towards the other player's lower extremities. It incorporates the malacia in capoeira appearing as a high kick but ending in an unpredictable painful kick to the knee or thigh. In most rodas this is shown rather than completed to full extension. During the later rounds of his title defense in UFC 97 with Thales Leites, Anderson Silva made extensive use of this technique.

* Chapa Giratoria

Capoeira’s answer for the reverse side kick. It is done is the same way as ban dae yeop chagi in TKD with the capoeirista stepping forward or diagonally while turning his torso. At the same time he raises his back leg up, unleashing it at the apex of the turn in a straight path.
[edit] Chapéu-de-Couro

"Leather hat" is a squatting planted roundhouse kick. The arch of the foot taps the partner's exposed head in the spirit of a "tag, you're it" or "watch your head" move.

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