Monday, June 1, 2009

Men and women trying to learn Capoeira

Above about Capoeira.

Men and women loped around trying to learn the dance-like Brazilian martial art called capoeira. Moms-to-be were given the basics on prenatal care. And a 5-year-old boy showed people of all ages how to weave a scarf using a technique called hand-knitting.

Those were just a sampling of Skillshare Austin's workshops presented Saturday in East Austin at the Space 12 event center.

"We're all about relying on ourselves and each other instead of outside groups or companies," Skillshare organizer Virginia Jensen said.

The group, which has been active in Austin for about two years, holds monthly workshops on sustainable and creative living. This is their second free, weekend-long showcase. About 60 people attended the event Saturday. It will continue today from noon to 5:45 p.m. at the Space 12 venue, 3121 E. 12th Street.

"We're here to help people realize how we're all teachers and we're all learners," said Charity Ridpath, another organizer.

Jensen and Ridpath stood next to a table where participants had just finished making digital television antennas using a wood block and wire hangers.

Evelyn Nelson, who led the demonstration, said her idea for a workshop sprang from her inability to get stations on her television. Having attended Skillshare events in the past, she said she realized that she might develop a useful skill she could share at this event.

"The collaboration between people was just magical," she said after the demonstration.

Today, the group will make and raffle off a movable chicken coop, demonstrate how to do an oil change and share information on anarchist baby care: a how-to on applying "anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian" principles to childcare.

Cory Skuldt, another event organizer and mother of 5-year-old Finn, said she was working on the event when her son asked her if he could be a teacher. The pair came up with hand-knitting as a useful skill he could show to others.

"That's kind of what I hope happens with everybody here," she said.

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