Saturday, May 16, 2009

Facts about capoeira

Here's is means of capoeira.

Capoeira is a Brazilian art form which combines fight, dance, rhythm and movement. Capoeira is a dialog between players - a conversation through movement which can take on many shades of meaning. The details of capoeira's origins and early history are still a matter of debate among historians, but it is clear that african slaves played a crucial role in the development of the artform. Some historians claim that slaves used capoeira's dance-like appearance as a way to hide their training of combat and self defense. Capoeira's many styles come out of the context of two principle branches that were formalized in the first half of the twentieth century following capoeira's legalization. This is only the beginning of the story - look below to find out more. But to really understand capoeira, you need to see it for yourself


  1. thanks for that it helped me a lot on my homework i would defently come on this website a lot because it is very good

  2. @Laura: haha lol same. I need it for dance homework which is due tomorrow, so I went to go look here :3

    This helped a lot. Thanks!

    1. me to!!! my dance homework was due in 3 days ago LOL

  3. this wasn't very helpful.

  4. heheh needed this alot for my homework or consequenses !!! This is like the only website where i can actually get some facts from

  5. this is good info for dance hwk as it due in tomz aswell


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