Friday, February 4, 2011

Capoeira Angola Definition

Hey guys. Today I would like to describe about Capoeira Angola. Any comment or suggestion can leave in the comment box.

Capoeira Angola is an older form of capoeira and is often deeply rooted traditions, is characterized by slow movements and the players to play their games in close proximity to each other than in regional or Contemporanea. Capoeira Angola is often characterized as slow and deep on the ground than other major forms of capoeira, although in practice the rate varies according to the music. This is much as it was originally played capoeira in the street before moving indoors played and recorded in a modernized version of Capoeira Regional. Capoeira Angola will be used for physical Chamada questions and answers, to challenge the opponent, or to change the style of the tribe known.

The father of the best known modern Capoeira Angola schools is considered to be Grão-Mestre Pastinha who lived in Salvador, Bahia. Today, many of the Capoeira Angola schools in the United States come from Mestres in Pastinha's lineage. He was not the only Capoeira Angola mestre, but is considered to be the "Father of Capoeira angola"[13] bringing this style of Capoeira into the modern setting of an academy. He also wrote the first book about Capoeira, Capoeira Angola, now out of print. Capoeira Angola has experienced an explosion of growth during the past 20 years, it can be found in few cities Brazil where it's not often practiced or even recognized as real capoeira and many larger cities in the USA, Europe, South America, Japan, as well as many other locations.

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