Sunday, June 6, 2010

Martial Art Forms

Here’s about Martial Art form.

Martial Arts come in different forms, and they are not just Kung Fu and Taekwondo, which is very popular on television and in cinemas. They were surprised to learn that some forms of struggle, also called martial arts. Training and practice of martial arts, it should also be equipped with suitable accessories. Martial Arts has various causes. The term "war" comes from the Roman god of war under the name "Mars". Martial Arts simply means "the art of war." Although most people believe that martial arts only come from Asian cultures, it is also in America and Europe.

Martial arts have a kind of battle system that has code overcome within one goal of a physical person. Apart from that, it is used primarily for self-defense against any assault. Some martial arts techniques are actually based on a spiritual or religious philosophy such as Aikido and Judo. This is while other IT based on a certain code of honor such as fencing. Therefore, martial arts techniques as a form of martial arts and practiced in some form of dance. So, regardless of where the art originated, they have similarities with each other.

Each style has a systematized fighting style. They even have forms and routines when sparring, which is practiced either alone or with a partner. Martial arts in a way that each style will focus on a particular area are grouped together. Below is a list of samples for each group: Wrestling ? Throwing – Judo, Jujutsu, Sambo ? Joint lock – Aikido, Jiu-Jitsu, Hapkido ? Pinning Techniques – wrestling, judo Striking ? Punching – Boxing (Western style), Wing Chun ? Kicking – Capoeira, Savate, Taekwondo ? Further strikes – Muay Thai, Karate, Shaolin Kung Fu Arms ? Traditional Weapons – fencing, Gatka, Kendo, Kali ? Modern weapons – Eskrima, Jogo do Pau, Jukendo

For some, the majority of the known species would be a form of martial arts technique and few know that boxing and fencing also classified as such. Currently, most martial arts are used as the martial arts. For the others, they are in use military or police training as a form of self-defense. Therefore, Boxing Tae Kwon Do, fencing, and wrestling are events at the Olympics. This is while other martial arts such as Wushu Muay Thai China and tournaments all over the world instead. Apart from that, there are also those which are both regarded as a form of dance and as a form of martial art. Good examples of capoeira in Brazil, Yolah of Oman / UAE, and Buza were from Russia. Here is a brief description of some of the above techniques.

CAPOEIRA The slaves in Brazil created this martial art during the 16th Century. It is a dance, game mix, as already – martial arts, where music is mentioned incorporated. It is more of a skill-based art, rather than to hurt the opponent. The players form a circle called the roda, where they will play alternately within the circle. The basic movement in capoeira is called the Ginga, which must address, they swing and rock back and forth. You should move with the rhythm of the music played by the bateria. Therefore, the players use mostly acrobatic movements such as cartwheels, handstands, and kicks, sweeps, and head strikes to use as a form of attack. They also do rolls and ducks, the defensive and as a kind of preparation for an attack. So this is more a combination of self-defense move that makes use of a wagon wheel with a blocked kick and an attack at the same time.

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