Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Capoeira Dance Performance

Here about Capoeira.

Cory A. Booker today's market in an African rawa kapo keueseo Newark - City Hall, Brazil, circular dance performances, will host April 15 The 7:00 pm event will feature performances and other Samba announced maculele Africa - Brazil dance. The performance is free and open to the public. City Hall 920 Broad Street is located in keue Newark.
Capoeira Africa, more than 400 years in Brazil comes from plantations of sugar cane Brazilian martial art. It is an air combat skills, a combination of acrobatic moves, and music is characterized by rhythmic movements of dance. African slaves from Africa and then evolved in the battle to ban the practice began. Ra from the looks of a traditional dance as a kapo this battle has been used as a means of preservation. African customs are an important form of preservation of Aboriginal heritage.
"Portuguese and African regions have been a source of new and strong, we introduced the 400-year-old art form, presenting a range of opportunities, and its Newark keueseo to create a new generation of new residents. This performance, and Newark's own performing artists will see the excellence of his dedication and commitment, strong, proud, and a better Newark. rawa me kapo Africa - Brazilian dance performance and welcome all artists to urge residents to attend, "Mayor Booker made.
Performers, students and instructors from around the Newark Academy of Capoeira, as well as institutions of higher education around the world are included. Events this year, Newark keueseoyi 4:00 kapo rawa African representative - Brazil, watch dance performances will be held circular hole. Last year's event in the United States, Brazil, Capoeira professionals and students across the country, he said.
Events organized by the New Jersey / New Group Senzala York branch - one of the oldest and largest in the world of Capoeira is not a group. Group Annual Batizado (graduation) at the events held for students. New Jersey Cultural Arts Center 51 Bruen Street, Newark, located on the east side of the train hansi Group Senzala.
"We keuwa Newark an important part of Africa with the culture of Brazil is pleased to celebrate the day. City Hall Rotunda to show this art form is a fantastic place. We saw a lot of people come in, Capoeira, maculelĂȘ Samba learn about the different dances, "Group Senzala Wagner, director of" Zombie Master "said Dutra, please.

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